Sunday, July 31, 2005

Kayne West has a song "Golddigger" are most women Golddiggers? or is that like saying most men think in their pants? I want to know what you think. Post your comments below.


Blogger NML/Natalie writes...

It is a lot like saying that most men think with their willies. There are always exceptions to the rule though....
I have come across a lot of women that golddig and most ultimately end up being miserable. There are the ones that are my friends and there are the ones that are famous. No matter what they tell you about how gloriously happy they are - they're not. But the money keeps them there.
Golddiggers aren't all about pulling an 80 year old dude that's about to pop it's clogs. It's about women that don't see anything wrong with being with a man for materialistic gain of any kind. Sometimes it's millions of pounds/dollars, most of the time it's the rent/mortgage being paid, jewellery, cars, paying university fees, or if you're down and out, it's anything you can lay your hands on.
It doesn't appeal to me personally but I'm too headstrong and a pain in the arse for most guys, rich or poor.

1:50 PM  
Blogger Tony Grant writes...

NML, your comment is very much appreciated, here's my point, where is the LOVE for the other person. It's not there. So welcome to America!

7:28 PM  

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